
CO Entrepreneurial Path

CO Entrepreneurial Path

Journeys on CO Entrepreneurial Path

Co-creating a Better World for All!

The “Entrepreneurial Path” is tailored for those ready to dive into the world of innovation and impact, creating win-win-win businesses (for you, the people, and the environment). Whether you are:

  • An aspiring entrepreneur seeking knowledge and mentorship to launch a startup with a bold vision,
  • A startup company willing to take your team and your operations to the next level, or
  • An impact-focused investor dedicated to supporting ventures that are fit for the future,

the “Entrepreneurial Path” equips you with the knowledge, resources, and partnerships you need to turn your visionary ideas into concrete realities, to generate true prosperity and exponential positive impact, committed to both the inner and the outer success!

Journeys on this path present a unique opportunity to build high-trust relationships with other like-minded entrepreneurs, and who might end up becoming your co-founders.

Entrepreneurial Path

Credits: 4

Product Development Journey in Netherlands

Embark on an 8-week journey of online collaboration with a cross-functional team, culminating in an in-person co-creation retreat in Amsterdam, and follow up post-retreat integration. Acquire product development skills spanning from design to development and the launch of mobile apps, all with the guidance of experienced mentors and industry experts. Contribute to an impactful project, as part of the Crystal Organization’s Entrepreneurial Path.
Retreat Location: Coworking hub in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Time Commitment: 7w online, 1w in-person, 4w online (1h/w)
Enrolled Applicants:

Entrepreneurial Path

Credits: 6

Mastering The 7 Powers in San Francisco, US

Join us on a hybrid online/in-person journey with a small crew to learn the foundations of business strategy and organization building, inspired by the wisdom of visionaries like Eric Ries, Steve Blank, and Hamilton Helmer. Engage in group studies and expert guest lectures, enabling you to: identify and validate market opportunities, create impactful businesses, and cultivate a resilient entrepreneurial mindset.
Retreat Location: Private retreat space in San Francisco, US
Time Commitment: 7w online, 1w in-person, 4w online (1h/w)
Enrolled Applicants:

Expert Advisory and Mentorship​

Supporting Entrepreneurs to Realize Impact Projects

The CO Platform offers you expert advisory and mentorship. Depending on your specific needs, we connect you with our team of experts, consultants, or mentors with track records and experience in diverse areas – including C-level corporate execution, organizational transformation, entrepreneurship, and innovation.

Schedule a free 30-minute discovery call to discuss your needs, align your expectations and to match you with the right support: schedule a discovery call.

Organizational Innovation

  • Expert advisory and strategic consulting to successfully develop and scale re-generative organizations.
  • Organizational coaching based on models of Integral Theory and Spiral Dynamics.
  • Offering structure, practices and culture tailored to the organizations adopting COs’ holistic approach.

New Paradigm Initiatives

  • Co-designing of organizational models, strategies and processes that enable organizations to shift into a new paradigm of collaboration and co-creation.
  • Supporting businesses to create participatory governance models and fair equity distribution frameworks.

Launching an Impact Startup

  • Strategic coaching on how to launch startup businesses in different industries, including transformative technologies, environmental regeneration, holistic healthcare.
  • Coaching for product managers and product leaders for long term product planning and vision, market validation, proof of concept, prototyping, launching MVPs and go-to-market strategies.
  • Equity crowdfunding and impact VC investment.
  • Support in hiring in-house, outsourced or hybrid teams.

Technological Transformation

  • Consulting small and medium companies to build the necessary IT infrastructure and tools.
  • Providing outsourcing teams for software development, website and app creation.
  • Organizing platforms and tools to create and run online courses, educational programs and virtual conferences. 

Flow States and Peak Performance

  • Performance coaching to enable peak performance and creative potential based on the latest research studies in flow states and neuroscience.
  • Productivity coaching to eliminate overwhelm, set priorities and routines based on the best productivity systems such as “GTD” and others.

The CO Accelerator

The CO Accelerator is designed to empower established crews who have successfully completed at least one cohort journey and are ready to enter the next exciting stage on their path to launch a Crystal Organization — a sovereign organization of interconnected crews with the organizational DNA of COs. More here.

The accelerator equips emerging COs with the essential resources and frameworks needed for their formation, development, and growth:

  • Frequency Blueprints: Guiding principles that align organizational structure and culture towards cooperation and co-creation serving the highest good of All.
  • Organizational Models: Innovative structures that support dynamic and adaptive operations.
  • Governance Models: Frameworks for equitable decision-making and leadership distribution.
  • Equity Distribution Models: Frameworks to ensure fair and transparent distribution of value and ownership.
  • Meta-Agreements: Collective agreements that underpin the organization’s culture and operations.
  • Process Optimization: Strategies for enhancing productivity, performance, and collaboration efficiency.
  • DAO Models: Reliable membership models for tokenized decision-making and equitable value distribution.
Image by Hilma af Klint

Upon joining the CO Accelerator, each crew transitions into a new CO—becoming an interconnected sovereign entity owned and governed collectively by its members. COs are cooperative and interoperable, both by intention and design. They thrive by supporting mutually beneficial relationships with other COs within the ecosystem.